CHECK OUT THE LINEDRIVE REPORT: Monthly Insights for a Safer, More Efficient Workplace

The latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is a wake-up call to all of us. In 2021, they recorded a significant number of work-related fatalities - 76 of them were caused by fires and explosions. It's a stark reminder that safety at work is important. We need to keep our eyes open, learn from these incidents, and do everything we can to make sure they don't happen again. These numbers aren't just dry statistics, they represent real people who didn't go home at the end of the day.
Our brand portfolio is your safety toolkit, offering fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, safety signage, burn first aid kits, and audio/visual signaling.
We're dedicated to making your work environment safer, with products that alert and protect in emergencies.

AccuformNMC offers a comprehensive range of fire safety signage, including signs for fire extinguishers, sprinkler valves, and other critical fire safety equipment. These signs are designed to clearly inform and protect, enhancing awareness and ensuring compliance with fire regulations.

Medique offers a comprehensive range of first aid kits for burns, including products like
Water-Jel burn care items. Their kits, which cater to different needs such as chemical burns, are designed to be readily available for treating minor injuries in the workplace, and
they comply with OSHA regulations.

Kidde fire extinguishers are essential in the workplace, providing a crucial first line of defense in controlling small fires, creating a path to safety, and potentially preventing a minor incident from escalating into a major catastrophe.

Edwards Signaling offers a complete line of minimalistic, intuitive, and versatile audible and visual signals for industrial and commercial applications. These products are specifically designed to cater to the needs of buildings of all types, ensuring optimal safety alerts.

Radio communication is vital during a fire in a workplace as it ensures swift evacuation and coordination among employees. Motorola Solutions radios are an excellent choice for such situations, facilitating clear and effective communication regardless of location inside the building.

Let's not just aim for safety, let's make it a non-negotiable standard. That means putting prevention plans in place, having the right safety equipment, making sure everyone knows what to do, and sticking to the rules.
Because when it comes to fire safety, there's no room for cutting corners.
Contact us to schedule a no-charge facility assessment!