CHECK OUT THE LINEDRIVE REPORT: Monthly Insights for a Safer, More Efficient Workplace

Insuring that you have the right equipment when your team is working four feet or more above the ground is essential, but that’s not enough. You’ve got to properly and consistently inspect that equipment; your team must receive training to work safely from heights; you need to have a fall protection program in place and be familiar with the requirements for walking and working surfaces.
4 of OSHA’s Top 10 Violations are related to working from heights, including failure to meet fall protection training requirements, safe scaffolding, safe ladders and compliance with general fall protection requirements.
If you’re missing some of these elements, you’re not alone. At LineDrive, we are dedicated to reducing risks when working from heights and can help you assess equipment and fall risks at your site. Additionally, we can train your team on proper inspection and use of equipment, and partner with you to help reduce the risk of falls and assist you in meeting OSHA and ANSI standards.